MCG Construction PLC invites interested and potential bidders for the procurement of Granite and laboratory equipment

Bid closing date
Apr 11, 2024 2:00 PM

Bid opening date
On the date before 2:30PM afternoon

Published on

Addis Zemen

(Mar 28, 2024)


Bid document price
Birr 200.00 (Two hundred only)

Bid bond
100,000 birr



MCG Construction PLC invites interested and potential bidders for the procurement of Granite and laboratory equipment indicated in the table below



Types of procurement


Bid security required in ETB


Granite window sill, Copping, Tread, and Riser






Laboratory equipment (for road construction)

  1.  Bidders are required to submit legal documents renewed valid Trade License indicating the stream of business specific to the business category, TIN number certificate, VAT registration certificate issued by the ta, authority. valid Current Tax Clearance certificate issued by the tax authority and public procurement anal property administration agency’s suppliers list registration certificate.
  2.  A complete set of bidding documents shall be purchased by interested bidders from MCG Construction PLC Head quarter Procurement & Property Administration Department Adu Building 2nd Floor, upon payment 01 non-refundable fee of Birr 200.00 (Two hundred only) in cash and collect the bid document (SI3D) in hard and soft copy in PDF during office hours.
  3.  All bids must be accompanied by original bid security clarified in the above table in the form of CPU or unconditional Bank Guarantee from the recognized Bank by MCG Construction PLC which is valid for 120 days.
  4.  Bids must be submitted before Thursday, April 11, 2024, up to 2:00 PM afternoon and will be open on the date before 2:30 PM afternoon in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who wish to attain the person at the address below.
  5. The MCG Construction PLC Shall not consider any bid that arrives after the deadline for submission of bid any bid received by the MCG Construction PLC After the deadline for submission of bids shall be declared as late. rejected, and returned to the bidders remain unopened.
  6.  MCG Construction PLC reserves the right to reject any bid partially or in full. 
  7. Bidders shall use the below address for their additional information/inquiry.

MCG Construction PLC
Procurement and Property Administration Department
Senegal Street, Around Semen Hotel, Adu Building 2nd Floor, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Email:  /Website:   

Company Info